jueves, 26 de junio de 2008

Tailandia - O céu compõem delicadamente a paisagem / Thailand - The sky forms delicately the scenery

17 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

great building, excellent photography

♥ Denise BC ♥ dijo...

O céu além de compor a paisagem serve de pano de fundo para essa magnífica construção, belíssima.

Anónimo dijo...

Love the building and the photo!

Anónimo dijo...

I’m back …
Oh no, cried blog world … he’s back!

But guess what, I’m glad I decided to make a comeback.
If I didn´t rejoin SWF I would never have the chance to see these great photos!

Rose dijo...

That second photo is amazing! I love it.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy dijo...

Raquel: What great Skies and unusual building shapes into the Sky.

Petunia dijo...

Very beautiful:)

Petunia's SWF

Unknown dijo...

Great shots and lovely building!
Well done.

Pat - Arkansas dijo...

Beautiful building and lovely sky; a perfect combination for these photos. Thanks for sharing.

bobbie dijo...

How very beautiful!

Tom dijo...

Thank you for joining in with Sky Watch, even though you are towards the end of the list I hope you enjoy many visits..


Stunning pictures again... I do like this blog..

Shimmy Mom dijo...

Great shots. The buildings make the pictures.

Anónimo dijo...

Thanks to you and others, I get a big lift out of trying to outdo myself and post things that may surprise some and make others laugh a bit and most of all make lots of people aware of things that might not know much about.

When somebody actually takes the time to write a comment about my work and what I do, that to me is the biggest gift a person can give another. It is a smile on greeting, it is a welcome handshake, and it gives me and my family some hope that the dementia farm is still down the road.

You, yourself, are an inspiration to me. I come to say, thanks for taking the time to photograph things of interest and great beauty. Without that, blogging would be about as exciting as a wart on the end of my nose.

And rest assured, when you do visit, I will always try to visit your blog, in return, and leave a comment on your blog. I might not think your photography is ready for the big masterpiece award, but it got my attention.


Abraham Lincoln
oldmanlincoln in Brookville, Ohio

Anónimo dijo...

I'm back! No post today? Thanks for stopping by my place. Hope you are having a great weekend!

AnneKa dijo...

Great photo for sky watch!
From AnneKa in Norway

Madalena Barranco dijo...

Hola Raquel,

Que cenário delicado!! Dá vontade de colocar em um quadro para admirar em sonhos.

Besitos - tenha ótima semana!

Marcos Santos dijo...

O Abraham tá inspirado...
...E as fotos estão lindas.
